Monday, August 16, 2010


Communication week. We were asked to form a group of 6 peoples to study about Penang Time Square and surroundings, space, form, node and path. For this assignment, we got a theme of oneness and unity. This is why Prof.Wan wants us to form a group of 6, aiming to let us learn how to work in team and communicate with each other. Communication plays a vital role in our life. Without a good skill in communicating we might face some difficulties in life such as misunderstanding, quarrel and so on. As everyone know, one’s power is limited, thus, we have to learn how to work among one another in order to be more powerful.
These are those picture I captured in Penang Time Square =)

Huge space for us to organise the event. Just depend on us that how are we going to use it wisely.
Group discussion having on Saturday night.
Another discussion held on Sunday in KFC.
Presentation for the 1st group. Brave enough to volunteer themselve, very good!haha.. Some other groups and mine didn't get to present ours on Monday lesson, so just wait and see what will we ask to do on Friday.

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