Thursday, July 29, 2010


Here are those elements i used to complete my masks for assignment 2C. There are glue, aluminium foil, news papers, tissue paper, water color and of course water.

This time we have to prepare two masks by ourselves. The first one is on our full face with our skin colour and the second one is in black and white with emotion.

In order to get the scale of my own face, I used aluminum foil as the basement, then I put the wet news paper for the first layer follow by tissue papers. The last layer for my masks are white A4 paper which make into small pieces and wet. Latex glue was used in this assignment.

After waiting for one night for its to dry, I colored it and here are my products. I had tried my best to mixed up all the suitable colours for colouring my face.

Thank weng jen who gave me a hand in making the masks.

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