Wednesday, September 22, 2010


1.Looking Backward…

It is undeniable that many people like to share their experience, looking backward of their life and flash back the journey they had have gone through. This time, we are asked to look back what we had gone through after we entered USM.
The first lesson I entered in school of HBP was RAG132 which conducted by Mr. Wan, our studio master. I had missed out the previous lessons as I was a second intake student. I was pretty blur during the first lesson, trying hard to adapt to the new environment and I was shocked when I knew that there are few assignments for me to catch up. Since that day, I am in totally busy, not only rushing for assignments but also trying hard to get into this new environment as everything is new for me, places, friends and lecturers.
Every lesson that I attained I got something, something that will be useful in future-knowledge and something that will influence our life-attitudes. For those weeks we went through, documentation weeks, communication weeks and design weeks we learnt something during the lessons and through the assignments. So far, we have done 11 assignments for RUS101 and almost all of the assignments are new to me and because of this, I was proud after getting its done one by one. From those lessons and assignments I had learnt to manage my time wisely, think positively, work in team (oneness), be creative (design) and be sociable (communicate). Besides, as Mr. Wan always mentioned, we have to be responsible on our behavior. Our future is in our hand, either we want to jump, walk or remain in the same place is decided by ourselves. The hopes of ourselves, our family and country are depend on our hand.

2.Looking forward…

21st Dec 2012, as Mayan people predicted this is the date that the world (or humanity’s existence) will come to an abrupt end. Although some people don’t believe it, it has been proven by some scholars who studied the end of the Mayan calendar. While there is no definite proclamation of how the end of the world 2012 predictions will happen, those who have studied this calendar claim that the long calendar was created in order to correspond with a long term astronomical prediction by the Mayan people. This has led some to believe that this end of the world scenario will play out in a manner that has something to do with something from beyond this world. (Refer to
For me, I believe it partially. What preparation will I do before the change occur? And what can I contribute to this world through my study in USM? First of all, I myself think that what will occur in the future especially for environments change is out of our control, we only can try to prevent the disaster occur due to human activities. As a human being, one’s power is limited but if we gather it up (oneness), it might come out with an amazing result.Mind set is very important, it is good to know and good to not know, and therefore, since I knew the 2012 prophecy, I should be no surprise when the day comes. Preparation that I can do is to play my part well as a student and gain as much as knowledge as I can during the day in USM. Staying clear that what can I do and what should I do before and after 21st Dec 2012. To contribute is to give whatever you are able to. For me, I would contribute myself by being cooperative and proactive while carrying out those preparations with others before the day comes.

For assignment 6B we are requesed to pay a visit at Jewish's cemetry and have a look on the monuments there in order to design one monument. My friends and i took bus in the afternoon and walk about 10minutes to reach the destination.
We are so happy to see the sight board-Jalan Zainul Abidin.^^
We took picture before entering the place to have a look.
This is the cemetery...

Many kind of monuments...big, small, triangular,spheric, etc.

What can I leave…

In the future, I hope that I can leave something that can benefit others. This monument symbolic the contribution of mine during my life.
Positive thinking, positive attitudes and positive mind. Maybe i might not be positive always while facing different situation but i'm training myself to be so.

This is a bamboo monument, natural and sustainable. A green heart surrounded with bamboo stick, just like a reinforcement to strengthen the heart to face all obstacle with positive mind, attitudes and thinking.

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