Monday, September 27, 2010

7: IBU Ptototype (part 1)

Friday-24 Sept, a new assignment was given to us. Mr. Wan is going to make a big dome named IBU and all HBP 1st year students were divided into 5 section with different colors. The colors represent the group and below is the detail about each group. Mine is green color which stand for group B, and the length of bamboo i need to cut is 2.284m and the quantity is two.

Without wasting anytime, my friends and i went to the place where the bamboo prepared in the evening. There are many bamboo and the accepted one are only those with a diameter about 7.5cm.
After choosing the right bamboo, we measured it and start our cutting session...

In the middle, we took some funny pictures.
And here is the last bamboo that finish cutting before we heading back. Yeah~ Thank to all my friends who work together, i appreciate it.

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